Digital Dentures from A to Z

Digital Dentures from A to Z

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Wagner, Stephen / Kreyer, Robert

Digital Dentures from A to Z

Expected publication: 11/2022
1st Edition 2023
Language: English
Category: Prosthodontics

Stock No.: 24361
ISBN 978-0-86715-729-1

Product in preparation.

This book brings the traditional denture-making workflow into the 21st century, replacing antiquated techniques with more time-and cost-effective alternatives and incorporating digital fabrication techniques and contemporary materials to save chair time. With its unique visual format, the authors demonstrate each step of the process—both in the clinic and in the lab—and offer helpful tips and tricks for enhanced success. Learn how denture-making can add value to your practice while serving the needs of your patients.
Naslov Digital Dentures from A to Z
Autor Wagner, Stephen / Kreyer, Robert
Datum objave Mar 28, 2022
Wagner, Stephen / Kreyer, Robert

Digital Dentures from A to Z

Expected publication: 11/2022
1st Edition 2023
Language: English
Category: Prosthodontics

Stock No.: 24361
ISBN 978-0-86715-729-1

Product in preparation.

This book brings the traditional denture-making workflow into the 21st century, replacing antiquated techniques with more time-and cost-effective alternatives and incorporating digital fabrication techniques and contemporary materials to save chair time. With its unique visual format, the authors demonstrate each step of the process—both in the clinic and in the lab—and offer helpful tips and tricks for enhanced success. Learn how denture-making can add value to your practice while serving the needs of your patients.